In general, what everyone wants is free google online jobs without investment when it comes to income.
Because the reason is that the strength to meet all the needs of man these days lies only in this internet income.
Most importantly earn money without investment Everyone and I’m also can easily trust Google and start their online earnings.
There is a reason for that, Google is unique in giving you the right income, that’s why everyone trusts Google so much.
In this post, we are going to look at some of such important Google online jobs income placements.
This information we are going to find is my own experience and I am also earning through the ways mentioned in this post.
The most important thing to earn on Google is AdSense approval. Yes, YouTube, Blogger, WordPress which are big talk in internet income will get revenue for the lifetime period once Adsense is approved, without anyone’s help.
But what I want to tell you today is about Blogger Free Hosting. Please do not be confused when you hear this. What is the mistake that many make It’s normal to think of it as free?
It is my wish that you do not make that mistake and what I say is absolutely true. Many people make billions by using Google’s free Blogger Website site.
Do you know why so many people are advised to buy their own hosting? The ‘Hosting Affiliate‘ in it so that they get income.
However, there are some highlights available on the self-created platform. But for an inexperienced person, that amount will be a loss.
Google is free Hosting to restrict your site’s photos, blog posts and unlimited visitors.
But, the Hosting will be divided only for the money you pay for the WordPress hosting you create on your own. It will not be of much use.
How to Get Google AdSense Approval in 1 Day
If you want google online jobs without investment, first Start a Blog for free for yourself using the Google Blogger free site. Remember to include a paid domain name in it also.
Basically, the price of a domain will be 500 to 600 Buy only .com or .in which will be very helpful for the development of your website.
Then Link the Domain name you purchased to your Blogger site. It requires changing your domain DNS records also.
How to approve AdSense Account With Blogger
Then your important work is going to start, you need to create an identity for your website. For that, you need to do some work first. Let’s see what they are.
•Personal logo
•Facebook page
•Twitter page
•Instagram Page
Be sure to create the order mentioned above as well. What is most important for google online jobs without investment? All identities you create must be in the name of your domain name.
At the same time, you need to link the URL of your site to the Facebook page, Twitter page and Instagram Page profile you created. This is the profile backlinks for your site.
Then, create a back photo (Banner Image) of everything and attach to them. They all need to be the same and These will make your site easier to identify.
The most important phase is about to begin, and all the identity you have created must now be linked to your free Blogger website.
AdSense Requirements for Blogger
Second, the most important thing is your own identity and details about your website. These are all Google Adsense Policy page, that needs to be created and integrated into your platform.
Most important these include about, contact, disclaimer, privacy policy, terms and conditions. You must complete these and link to your site and This much required for AdSense approval.
After this, you can start your special mission. For that, you need to write 60 posts for 60 days at a post rate of one per day and publish them on your website.
This will Approve you to access Google AdSense and all the information you share needs to be useful and your own fantasy, only then will Google help your income.
When he does, your site will be 60 days old and will have 60 posts, now you can apply for Google ad approval and you will definitely get google AdSense approval in 1 minute.
What to do after AdSense Approval?
Then next suspicion everyone has is how to put ads for blogger. For this, you first need to insert Adsense code in blogger post.
There are certain conditions, such as AdSense where you will only be allowed one account, so you will need to link your information and bank account to your Adsense account. You may also receive a letter from Adsense to confirm yourself.
After this, your income will be added to your AdSense account on a daily basis then your income will be credited to your bank account within 25 to 28 date after the pinnacle reaches $ 100.